One half celebrates and the other addresses the guests, that is the phrase we hear most often on the eve of December 19, when Saint Nicholas is celebrated. This year, the current epidemiological situation demands a different celebration, and our doctors fear that date. These are the reasons.
Since September and the announcement of epidemiological surveillance at the borders, our crisis staff epidemiologists have been talking a lot about the threat of lighting the most celebrated crown of glory among Serbs, Saint Nicholas.
There are several reasons for that, and one of them is not the crown itself, but the flu, which has been on an upward trajectory almost every year since that day, reminiscent of “Blic.”
– It is realistic to expect that we will have kovid first and then the flu. It doesn’t have to happen, it can happen at the same time. We can assume Kovid, and the flu is usually detected in December around St. Nicholas, rarely earlier. It depends a lot on schools and when they are on vacation. After the holidays, the students come in and the engine starts running, the biggest increase is in February and March – concluded Dr. Predrag Kon.
Saint Nicholas is also the time when a large number of people from abroad left for Serbia, so the worsening of the epidemiological situation is more than certain. Relaxation with food, drinks and music could also affect us in the next period.
There is no member of the Medical Crisis Staff who has not expressed fear in the past period that the celebration of Saint Nicholas may cost us, primarily its confined space, congestion, hustle and bustle, but also speaking out loud.
Prof. Branislav Tiodorović says that this celebration should be celebrated as the Serbs marked Santa Arandjela.
– However, the measures were respected for the glory of Saint Arandjel. It was celebrated, above all, in the family circle. The one who celebrated it the most, immediately had the consequence, after 5 to 7 days, that everyone fell ill. There are such cases. Both host and guests. They were in big trouble. But I think that a large part of the population celebrated glory in the family circle. However, it was at the time when we had the biggest jump of infected.
Now, it should be just family too, he adds.
– After all, our faith says so. That fame is a family symbol. For St. Arandjela, we did not notice that it was celebrated in taverns, restaurants … Now it is absolutely necessary to continue like this. Saint Nicholas is the greatest glory in terms of the number of those who celebrate it. It is very important to be only family and with respect to strict measures, with distance. The room should be adjusted so that everyone is within a meter and a half distance, so that those who prepare food maintain good hygiene and prepare food well hygienically – advises prof. Dr. Tiodorović adds:
– But tell people not to celebrate, as there were suggestions, it is not necessary. After all, it is our tradition that is preserved.
Marija Zdravković, director of KBC “Bežanijska kosa”, previously stated to RTS that the church and the Ministry of Health agree that this year’s celebrations should be held within her family, without excessive contact and inviting guests inside .
– In that way, we focus on what glory really is, and that is the devotion to God and the saint that we celebrate and the preservation of happiness and family peace of a single family, says Zdravković.
He adds that in this way the health of the family that celebrates is provided because, as he himself says, this disease is very severe and can often end in death.
He points out that the Nairus chorus is very easily passed from person to person and that large numbers of people were infected at similar celebrations and gatherings.
– We have this young generation that must understand how important it is that their behavior is correct and how necessary it is to be disciplined at some point so that this chain of transmission is broken. The largest number of people who came to the hospital and are lying down with a moderate or severe clinical picture were at a celebration or contracted the virus from their relatives, explains Zdravković.
He points out that during a pandemic, the elderly are the most responsible, both for themselves and for others.

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