That would mean we have up to 6,000 INFECTED PER DAY! We are threatened by the Croatian and Slovenian scenarios, and they are in the CROWN OF CATACLISM


The head of the Department of Immunology at the Faculty of Medicine, Dušan Popadić, recently assessed that Serbia is on the same path as Slovenia and Croatia in terms of increasing the number of infected people. And we are witnessing that these two countries are in the middle of the crown of cataclysm in terms of the number of infected!

In a special appearance on RTS, Popadić warned that in Serbia, as well as Slovenia and Croatia, the number of infected people has risen rapidly in the last week and the occupancy of hospital capacity is increasing.

He says that it is a similar scenario, but that it has been set back in Serbia for about ten days. Does that mean that a similar cataclysm awaits us in just so many days?

However, what should these figures be so that the scale of spread of the virus is equivalent to that of Slovenia or Croatia?

Croatia, a country of four million people, reached a record 2,772 cases in 24 hours last week.

Imagine that in Serbia we have 5,000 or even 6,200 infected people a day!

If we take into account that Serbia has almost twice the population, the situation in our country would be equally alarming if we had 5,000 infected people in 24 hours!

In terms of comparison with the situation in Slovenia, out of a total of about two million inhabitants, the previous record in the number of patients was 1,789 in 24 hours.

The situation in Serbia would be equally alarming if there were around 6,200 new cases in one day.

Our doctors and members of the Crisis Staff for the fight against the coronavirus have been warning for days that the so-called exponential growth is evident in Serbia, and that it is precisely this sudden jump in the number of infected.

This morning, Dr. Predrag Kon repeated it for the umpteenth time, who was also “optimistic”.

Dr. Kon: Next week, more than 2,000, the number of deaths will be in double digits.

As he pointed out, the number of people infected by the virus is expected to continue to grow over the next ten days and that next week it could reach more than 2,000 new cases a day, and that the number of deaths from Kovid-19 will double.

– We have a significant deterioration of the situation, especially in Belgrade, which shows an absolute increase day by day. There was no respite on any day in the sense that there was no increase. It is a classic exponential increase and that is what should have been avoided at all costs, but sadly we did not achieve it. That increase absolutely shows what will happen in the next few days. A larger number of patients can be expected in this and part of next week, and next Saturday 2,000 cases would not be a surprise – said Dr. Kon on “Pink” television.

One infected, two celebrations, 50 guests each, and a crown blast!

The example of the mayor of Belgrade this morning, who is also a member of the crisis staff of the city and the republic for the fight against coronavirus, Zoran Radojicic, shows how easily the infection can break out.

He marked parties, celebrations and celebrations as places where the greatest risks of transmission of the infection are found.

– If you have a reputation with 50 people and one is infected with the crown, if you go to another reputation and meet 50 other people, we will have 2,500 to 3,000 people infected in two days, that is an exponential spread of the infection. Closed space, many people, mandatory masks – concluded Radojicic.

The black rope continued, breaking another record

Let us remind you that the black crown series in Serbia continued on Saturday when the record of 1,817 recently infected people in 24 hours of 9,531 people tested was broken.

Yesterday we had fewer fewer new infected – 1,449, but another record was broken – the so-called Kon coefficient, that is, the number of infected in relation to the number of analyzed, an important epidemiological indicator, yesterday it was a record of 22.16 percent !

What the profession has also been warning for days is that our hospitals are almost full, some even full.

For example, at KBC “Dragiša Mišović”, where capacities are 100 percent covered, confirmed yesterday the head of radiology of that institution, Dr. Đordje Lalošević.
