That won’t work on weekends


The catering facilities (cafes, restaurants, bars, discos and rafts) will be closed from Friday at 5 pm to Monday at 5 am without exception. His working hours will be from Monday to Friday from 5 to 17 hours.

Hospitality establishments are authorized to carry out food delivery activities uninterruptedly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as well as other businessmen whose main activity is that.

Shopping centers, clothing stores, betting houses, gambling houses, children’s game rooms will also be closed from Friday at 5 pm to Monday at 5 am.

Beauty salons and hairdressers, beauty salons will not operate during the weekend. This group also includes facilities in the field of sports and recreation: gyms, fitness centers, swimming pools, spas, balloons for soccer, basketball, tennis or any other recreational sport.

All these facilities can operate from Monday to Friday from 5 am to 5 pm

In what period do other facilities operate?

Food stores, shops, commercial premises, as well as kiosks, kiosks and the like, where, as a general rule, the facility is not entered, when purchases can operate both during the week and on weekends, until 9 pm

Another exception are restaurants and bars located within hotels and private accommodations. They can provide their services solely and exclusively to registered and registered guests until 9:00 p.m. every day.

No restrictions in surgeries, laboratories, pharmacies and pumps.

Pharmacies and gas stations (sale of fuels) can operate without rest, every day without restrictions.

Medical surgeries and labs can operate around the clock, including weekends.

Sports facilities can also be used on weekends for training and exclusively registered competitions under the jurisdiction of national sports federations.

Facilities and institutions in the field of culture – cinemas, theaters, museums and galleries will be able to operate on weekdays, as well as on Saturdays and Sundays, until 5 pm.

Facilities and businesses that provide services that do not require the presence of users or the presence and contact of a limited duration, such as electrical appliances, technical services, tailors, shoemakers and glass cutters, can work weekdays until 9:00 p.m. Saturdays until 17:00.

The markets will also be open on weekends from 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The measures will go into effect tomorrow

“All these measures were adopted with the aim of reducing social contacts to the absolute minimum, with the hope that they will give the desired result and that in the coming days we will see it in the numbers of citizens infected by coronavirus,” said the Cooperation Office with the Media. Republic of Serbia.

They add that the competent inspections and the communal militia will strictly control compliance with these measures, which will come into effect tomorrow.

“The Government of the Republic of Serbia and the crisis personnel call on all citizens to behave responsibly and not to gather in apartments, private accommodation or any other premises because they endanger their own health, health of their family and represent a risk for all their surroundings “, added. in a sentence.

They point out that with irresponsible behavior, we directly endanger our health system and show a lack of respect towards health workers, who carry the greatest burden of the fight against the coronavirus since March.

The recognized epidemic measures and recommendations remain in force, such as the use of a mask in all enclosed spaces, regular hand washing, distance from other people, disinfecting all surfaces and frequent ventilation of the premises.

They point out that by respecting all measures and recommendations, we protect our health and contribute to the fight against the coronavirus, and it seems that the contribution of each citizen is now more necessary than ever.

“Only together, together, we can achieve our goal, which is victory over the coronavirus, and the Government of the Republic of Serbia has no doubt that together with all citizens it will achieve that goal as soon as possible,” concluded the Office of Cooperation with the Media. From Serbia.
