That is why this flower is used in Serbia on the Day of Reconciliation.


RAMONDA DE NATALIJA AS A SYMBOL OF VICTORY IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR: Here is why this flower is used in Serbia on Armistice Day

Photo: Profimedia, Archive / Illustration

The Day of Reconciliation in World War I is celebrated tomorrow around the world, and the main motif of the emblem of that holiday in Serbia is the Natalija Ramonda flower, which has multiple symbols and speaks of our people and the temptations by that he went through during and after that war.

It is an endangered species that grows in eastern Serbia and Mount Nidza on the highest peak of Kajmakcalan, where the Serbian army, under the command of Duke Zivojin Misic, fought fierce battles during the creation of the pre-conditions for the advance of the Salonika front.

The flower is named after Queen Natalija Obrenović, and is known as the “phoenix flower”, because even when completely dried, if watered, it can come to life.

That is exactly why the Ramonda of Natalija was chosen as a symbol to mark that important date: to indicate the resurrection of the Serbian state from the ashes after the First World War.

In addition to the Natalija Ramonda flower, in the emblem, which is displayed on the lapel, there are two green ribbons, which are associated with the ribbon of the famous Albanian monument.

“The Albanian monument is known to all of us as a medal, but its appearance was not so well known to people, and those two colors, black and green, took their place in the insignia that was worn on the occasion of the Day of Reconciliation in World War I, “he says. for Tanjug, the Serbian ambassador to Ethiopia Aleksandar Ristic, who once participated in the design of the Reconciliation Day emblem.

The emblem was designed by a team led by the new Serbian ambassador to the United States, the former director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić.

Ristic recalled that the Day of Reconciliation in Serbia was included in state holidays in 2011, with amendments to the Law on state and other holidays, and has been officially marked since 2012.

“The First World War is a very important period in the history of Serbia and we think that it would be appropriate to mark the Day of Reconciliation in a more visible and impactful way for citizens, state officials, media representatives … to wear something that indicates that holiday, “he added. Ristic said.

The armistice of World War I was signed on November 11, 1918 between the forces of the Entente and Germany, which ended that war.

In that war, the Serbs made a great sacrifice because about 1.3 million citizens died, which at that time represented almost a third of the total population of Serbia.

Apart from Serbia, special attention is paid to the Day of Reconciliation in WWI in Great Britain and the Commonwealth countries.

On this or that day, other countries also remember fallen combatants and civilians killed in similar ways.

Thus in Britain, in the run-up to Remembrance Day, as Reconciliation Day is also called, almost the entire population, especially state officials, civil servants, media workers and other categories of citizens, looks a stylized flower on his lapels.

The red-black flower of the wild poppy, which according to poetry and tradition was the first after the war to grow in the fields of Flanders where millions of soldiers died, is also distributed to foreign participants in commemorations in cemeteries military.

In Russia, Victory Day in World War II is celebrated in a similar way, when volunteers, as a rule young people, distribute orange-black ribbons, the ribbon of St. George (in colors of the Order of St. George ) on the streets of cities.

Tomorrow, as part of the central state ceremony marking November 11, the Minister of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs, Darija Kisić Tepavčević, will lay a wreath on behalf of the Government of Serbia at the Defenders Memorial – Ossuary Belgrade in the First World War.

The wreaths will also be deposited by the President of the Serbian Assembly Ivica Dačić, delegations from the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Army, the city of Belgrade, the Association for the Promotion of the Traditions of the Wars of Liberation of Serbia, as well as representatives of the diplomatic corps.


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