“That decision brings Montenegro to the brink of a civil war.”


The Montenegrin non-governmental organization Montenegro International informed EU and NATO officials in writing about the adoption of the amendments to the Freedom of Religion Law.

Source: Tanjug

Photo: Depositphotos / natanaelginting

Photo: Depositphotos / natanaelginting

With the warning that this is a “constitutional coup”, that Serbia is the main destabilizing factor in the Balkans and Montenegro, before the civil war.

The NGO says in a letter that the new government has given dominance to the Serbian Orthodox Church, which they define as “an extended arm of the Serbian state and its secret service, as well as the most important promoter of the evil Russian influence in the region”.

That decision, according to the EU, brings Montenegro to the brink of a civil war.

The letter also estimates that the situation in the region is worsening, and that, as they say, “the malicious Russian influence is becoming more visible every day, through the behavior of official Serbia, which has become the main news center. last year, Russian propaganda and Russian intelligence agents. ”

The objective of all of the above is, as they say, to erase the Montenegrin statehood and its incorporation into “Greater Serbia”, reported the Podgorica CdM portal.

They add that “the Serbian authorities are only waiting for a good opportunity to return Kosovo to Serbia” and, as they say, “using military force”.
