Thaci was Madeleine Albright’s personal gigolo!



10.12.2020. 18:54 – 11.12.2020. 00:56

“Mr. Hashim Thaci is the only man who can enter my room without warning,” US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright enthused in 1999, immediately after the Rambouillet conference.

Albright and Thaci

Albright and Thaci, Photo: Illustration

SRS leader Vojislav Seselj revealed in an interview that the then federal government planned Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State bribery with an expensive necklace to approve it and respond to the attack on Serbia.

Seselj, who was deputy prime minister at the time of the attack, claims that someone in the leadership in late 1998 and early 1999 seriously suggested that Albright buy a necklace worth a million dollars. However, as he says, the state security service came to the information that Madeleine Albright is in a love affair with the head of the KLA, Hashim Thaci, so everything gave up.

Vojislav Seselj

Vojislav Seselj, Photo: Printscreen

According to Seselj, everyone at the top of the country feared the bombings and suggested various ideas on how to prevent them.

– I remember a case in which someone from the government came up with the idea of ​​buying an expensive necklace for Albright, valued at a million dollars, so that he would calm down. However, we later received information from our security services that she had a crush on Thaci and that our idea made no sense. Nothing can be achieved with a luxurious gift. Seselj says.

Add that Thaci was Madeleine Albright’s personal gigolo!

– It wasn’t love between them. Thaci inserted himself like a gigolo. Well, he’s a hundred years younger than Albright, and she’s as ugly as a thief! He just wanted to extract some political privilege and as we can see, he succeeded. At that time, the Albanians were giving a lot of money to the Americans, the entire Clinton administration was bribed. And even three years ago, Albanians were Hillary Clinton’s main funders in the elections, Seselj stresses.
