Thaci the snake has a shameful request from judges, conspirators in The Hague



08.11.2020. 13:40

Hashim Thaci

Hashim Thaci, Photo: Tanjug

One of the founders of the paramilitary terrorists na Kosovo and Metohija, KLA, Hashim Thaci will appear before the examining magistrate of the Kosovo Specialized Chambers for the first time tomorrow to hear the accusation and plead guilty.

After being arrested in Pristina and transferred to the detention unit in The Hague on November 5, Thaci asked to be questioned before Tuesday, November 10, according to court documents, but the reasons are not specified.

The court granted his request.

Thaci will be represented in court by attorney Denis Hopper, who has already made certain court filings, the content of which is confidential for now.

In his first appearance before the judge tomorrow at 3:00 p.m., Thaci will be read a written accusation that, together with him Kadri veselji, Jakup Krasniqi and Redzep Selimi are charged with various types of criminal responsibility for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The judge will then subpoena you to plead guilty to the charges against you.

Thaci can plead guilty immediately or within 30 days at a new hearing.

At the beginning of this hearing, the court photographer will have the right to take a photo of him on the dock, and the public will be able to follow the hearing online through the Specialized Chambers website.

Thaci surrendered on Thursday, November 5, after he resigned as president of the so-called Kosovo.

Tomorrow, Jakup Krasniqi, who was arrested the day before and transferred to The Hague, will appear in court for the first time before Thaci, and Kadri Veselji and Redzep Selimi on Tuesday morning and afternoon.

All four are on the indictment of Specialist Prosecutor Jack Smith and are charged with a series of war crimes, including some 100 murders of Serbs, Roma and Albanians, political opponents
