Thaci revealed the crazy goal of the Albanians



14.10.2020. 12:13

Hashim Thaci

Hashim Thaci, Photo: Tanjug

President of the Provisional Institutions in Pristina Hashim Thaci He said today that he had spoken with the EU special envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, Miroslav Lajcak, about the dialogue, the final agreement, UN membership, as well as mutual recognition, which he said was the first goal of the agreement.

“I think the time has come for the EU to put on the table the possibility of talks on mutual recognition, because that should be the first objective of the agreement. I want to believe that the only mutual recognition can be a guarantee of stability in the region. and friendship between our two countries. ” Thaci said at a press conference, Koha reports.

He said he called on the EU to speed up visa liberalization at the meeting. Kosova, stating that the only future of Pristina is in NATO and the EU.

Miroslav lajcak did not attend the press conference, nor on Tuesday evening after talks with Avdulahom Hotijem.
