Thaci invited Trump to come to Serbia



18.09.2020. 16:50 – 18.09.2020. 16:58

In his letter to Trump, he specified that the Washington agreement represents the end of the centennial conflict, as he stated, “of the Serbian and Kosovar people.”

Hashim Thaci

Hashim Thaci, Photo: screen print / facebook

The president of the Provisional Institutions of Pristina Hashim Thaci pointed out in a letter addressed to the President of the United States, Donald Trump that the so-called Kosovo promised to reach an agreement that it will solve all problems and lead to mutual recognition of Kosovo and Serbia, adding that the so-called “Kosovo is fortunate to enjoy the unwavering support of the United States.”

Thaci wrote on his Facebook account that he would express his greatest thanks to Trump for his role in reaching an agreement on the normalization of economic relations between Belgrade and Pristina by granting the President of the United States the “Order of Freedom” and thus confirmed the Reuters news yesterday.

“I feel privileged to be the President of Kosovo, and on behalf of the citizens of Kosovo, to honor the President of the United States in appreciation for his contribution to the freedom of Kosovo, to strengthen peace and stability in the region.” President Trump, I invite you to visit Kosovo, so that you can personally meet the people who love America the most, “Thaci wrote.

In his letter to Trump, he specified that the Washington agreement represents the end of the centennial conflict, as he stated, “of the Serbian and Kosovar people,” Kosovo reports online.

“The citizens of Kosovo will be eternally grateful to the United States, our savior who stood by our side in our darkest days and continues to this day. I assure you that Kosovo will remain committed to lasting peace and long-term prosperity in the United States. Western Balkans, “says Thaci’s letter.

Thaci assessed that it is clearer than ever that this can only be achieved under the leadership of the United States of America.

The letter adds that US Secretary of State for Security Robert O’Brien and US Envoy for the Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue Richard Grenell will also receive a medal of merit.
