Thaci and Veselji are undermining the work of the KLA Special Crimes Tribunal


BRUTAL UN ARM IN FALSE STATE: Thaci and Veselji undermine the work of the KLA Special Tribunal for Crimes

Photo: EPA / Valdrin Xhemaj, Profimedia

United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has accused Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veselji of obstructing the work of the KLA Special Tribunal for Crimes.

In a report on the situation in Kosovo and Metohija, to be presented to the Security Council on October 21, Guterres assessed the coronal virus pandemic, the political crisis and the announcement of the war crimes charges against the president of the false state. of Kosovo Hashim Thaci and the leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veselji. it further aggravated the “already fragile political and security situation in Kosovo”.

Guterres warned that the political and security situation was further aggravated by the corona virus pandemic, the political crisis following the fall of the Albin Kurti government, and the announcement of war crimes allegations against former leaders of the so-called Liberation Army. from Kosovo, Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veselji.

– The announcements by the Special Prosecutor’s Office for War Crimes that indictments for war crimes and crimes against humanity were brought against the President of Kosovo Hashim Thaci and the leader of the Kosovo Democratic Party Kadri Veselji in The Hague, further complicated the political scene in Pristina, says Guterres’ report. from March to September.

photo: Profimedia / Luiz Rampelotto

At the end of June, the specialized prosecutor’s office in The Hague presented a formal accusation against Thaci and Veselji, accused of crimes against humanity and war crimes, including murder, kidnapping, persecution and torture, and that accusation must be confirmed by the ELK Special Crimes Court.

The UN Secretary General also stated that the situation in Kosovo is further complicated by the problems that, especially in recent times, have been caused by the Coronal virus pandemic, followed by the political crisis caused by the fall of the government of Albin Kurti.

Guterres also warned about attempts by Hashim Thaci and Kadri Veselji to obstruct the work of the KLA Special Crimes Tribunal, which accused the prosecution of “political motives” and the false accusations.

The report also indicates that € 20 million from the Kosovo budget was set aside to help defendants before the new court, and that a debate has started on the KLA securities law, which has been heavily criticized by officials. international

According to Guterres, Thaci submitted a proposal for a constitutional amendment, which would end the mandate of the Special Court for crimes committed by members of the Kosovo Liberation Army.

The United Nations said 189 people had returned to Kosovo in the past six months, most of them Serbs, and that more than 28,000 had returned since 1999.

The UN Secretary General welcomed the continuation of the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina, stating that a remarkable new energy is directed towards normalization of relations.

– I hope it will continue to be so until a comprehensive solution is found – said Guterres and asked the leaders of Belgrade and Pristina to “show flexibility and creativity to overcome differences.

( Xhemaj / Profimedia)

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