Thaci and Kurti, a surprising alliance to overthrow the Hoti government


Hashim Thaci is not against the US-led Belgrade-Pristina dialogue, but he is against the process in Brussels. Now since he is not part of the dialogue, he is trying to prevent others in Pristina from speaking in any way.

Since the completion of the Union of Serbian Municipalities has been proposed as one of the topics for the continuation of the dialogue, Thaci says that “The Kosovo Assembly must urgently address this risky move by the Kosovo Government, and that he must urgently pass a resolution preventing the Prime Minister from negotiating on internal issues in Kosovo and on issues that put internal order at risk. “

There was no direct response to Thaci’s initiative from Pristina’s top negotiator, Prime Minister Avdulah Hoti, but he said today that he would not shy away from dialogue and that economic normalization will not be complete without mutual recognition.

Self-determination calls on Thaci to overthrow the government together

Due to the opening, as they say, of internal issues in the dialogue, the largest Albanian party in Kosovo, the Self-Determination Movement, has launched an initiative to change the government, but does not have the support of other deputies.

They asked Hashim Thaci to invite his old party, the Democratic Party, to join them and together overthrow the government of Avdulah Hoti.

It would not be the first time that even the fiercest opponents among Albanians have rallied to overthrow the government, if they are interested in its political options for coming to power.

Hashim Thaci likes Kosovo’s unstable political scene, because he is doing well in it, and he would find it easier to respond to the challenge if the Special Court indictment for war crimes committed against him is upheld.
