Thaci admitted: Serbia has the advantage



03.11.2020. 07:00

He wrote on the social network Facebook that Brussels does not value the constructiveness of Pristina and that the EU is trying to open up the issues that were debated in the Vienna process, before the declaration of independence.

Hashim Thaci

Hashim Thaci, Photo: screen print / facebook

Hashim Thaci, president of the unrecognized state of Kosovo, said the dialogue between Belgrade and Pristina is pointless, because there is no issue on the agenda about mutual recognition. Thaci said the dialogue failed because of that.

– This dialogue only makes sense if the proposal on reciprocal recognition is put on the table, otherwise it does not make any sense. If recognition is not discussed, dialogue is completely unnecessary, it has failed, Thaci said. He acknowledged that Serbia therefore has a significant advantage.

– As things are now, everything is in favor of Serbia, said Thaci. LDK President Isa Mustafa has the same opinion.

– With the behavior of Serbia on the one hand and the EU on the other, the dialogue loses its meaning, said Mustafa.

He wrote on the social network Facebook that Brussels does not value the constructiveness of Pristina and that the EU is trying to open up the issues that were debated in the Vienna process, before the declaration of independence.

– There is even a tendency to open up some topics that were discussed in the Vienna process. Meanwhile, Kosovo has declared its independence by closing those issues in the Ahtisaari package, Mustafa wrote.
