Testing crowds aren’t dwindling, virus hasn’t gotten into another school after all


LIVE ALL ABOUT THE CROWN IN SERBIA: Test crowds not reduced, virus has not yet entered another school

Photo: Shutterstock, Ana Paunković, Printscreen

Since the beginning of the epidemic, 31,581 people have been infected in Serbia, of which 716 have died. So far, a total of 947,298 people have been tested.

There are 39 ventilator patients in hospitals across Serbia.

photo: AMG

12.29 – Test crowds are not reduced

Interest in tests of kovid 19 at personal request, despite the beginning of the school year, has not diminished significantly, and in the laboratories of the Department of Biocides and Medical Ecology and the City Institute of Public Health they are processed daily around 450 samples, mostly those that travel. .

11.42 – Epidemiologist Delic for Kurir: There are no teachers or students infected with corona in the school

At the “Natalija Nana Nedeljković” primary school in the Kragujevac settlement of Grošnica, there are no positive results for the corona virus among teachers and students, confirmed Kurir Dr. Predrag Delić, a respected epidemiologist at the Kragujevac Institute of Public Health.

11.30 – No new infections in Kraljevo

In Kraljevo, out of 28 swab samples, processed on September 2, none tested positive for the corona virus, according to data from the Kraljevo Institute of Public Health, which was published on the city’s website. Since the beginning of the corona virus epidemic, the total number of cases registered in that city is 1,383. There have been no deaths since the last report at Studenica General Hospital.

10.55 – Korona enters the school in Kragujevac

Kragujevac primary school sixth grade student “Natalija Nana Nedeljković” is positive for the corona virus, confirmed the school principal.

10.12- Kon: The epidemiological situation is still uncertain, the virus is present

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon says that the epidemiological situation in Serbia is still uncertain, because the virus is present and the population is very sensitive.

“The situation is more favorable than it was, but it is unlikely that we will go down to zero. Belgrade had seven confirmed cases in one day, which is at least since June 1, when it had four new infections,” Kon told TV Pink. .

10.10 – Measures in facilities fixed for 40 days, the situation will be monitored

The mayor of Belgrade, Zoran Radojicic, explained today that the measures that extend the work of the catering establishments in the city are limited to 40 days, and that, if the epidemiological situation requires it, and in relation to the weekly monitoring or fortnightly, some corrections will be made.

8.43 – Here is the responsibility of the parents of Zeleznik students

The Undersecretary of Health for the sanitary inspection sector, Goran Stamenković, evaluated the behavior of the parents who sent the child to school before receiving the results of the coronavirus test, as inadmissible and unconcerned.


The World Health Organization states on its official website that the virus begins with a fever, followed by a dry cough, and after a week causes shortness of breath, and then patients need hospital treatment. Some of the other symptoms are headache, sneezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and shortness of breath.

Regarding temperature, the WHO states that there is usually a gradual increase in body temperature. In people with weaker immunity, in older people and young children, there is a possibility that this virus can affect the lower respiratory organs, so pneumonia or bronchitis can develop.

Make sure you take precautions

* Avoid contact with people who show signs of respiratory infection (cough, sneeze, runny nose, fever);

* Avoid massive meetings and stays in a space where there are a large number of people;

* Increase hand hygiene (wash with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or if this is not possible, use alcoholic gels to disinfect hands, especially after contact with sick people or staying in a potentially dangerous area;

* It is recommended to wear masks before the mouth and nose if staying in an area where there are massive concentrations;

* It is mandatory to adhere to protective measures against the transmission of infection in all people who feel the symptoms of a respiratory infection.

* Avoid contact with live or dead domestic or wild animals.


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