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The trial of Alen Ziegler (41), better known as “man-cat”, and Xabi Dera (39), known by the nickname of “smiling murderer”, began yesterday before the High Court of Belgrade, on charges that they murdered the January 5, 2019 in Belgrade. Nebojsa Markovic (37), recently son-in-law of the liquidated Aleksandar Šarc.
Let us remind you that after Markovic’s liquidation at Banovo brdo, it was speculated that he was mistakenly murdered and that the real target of the hit man was Sharac.
Preliminary hearing
Yesterday, at the preparatory hearing, the superior prosecution proposed that the court read the testimonies of the investigative witnesses, and among them, as we have known, is the testimony of Aleksandar Šarc.

– Supposedly a member of the Pink Panther gang. He was killed last month in the “Ušće” shopping center and his liquidation is related to the clan war, recalls the source.
Childhood friends Only three months in total After the arrest, Ziegler, according to unofficial information, said that Chaba Der was his childhood friend and that he helped him financially while he was in prison earlier. Ziegler spent just three months on the loose before his arrest for murder, as he was released from prison in October 2018 and already arrested in January. Der later escaped arrest, but was handcuffed two months later in the Czech Republic while he was suspected of preparing a new settlement.
At yesterday’s hearing, the defendant Alen Zigler pleaded guilty. He denied the allegations in the prosecution, while Chaba Der did not attend the trial, because he is being held in Budapest, where he is on trial for two more murders. As Kurir learns, Dero’s defense attorney presented his handwritten letter to the court.
– I feel threatened, even though I am in prison – supposedly, among other things, it is written in the letter.
Cat man
A spectacular getaway
Alain Ziegler, who was transferred yesterday from the Central Prison to the courtroom of the Palace of Justice, is known by the nickname “cat-man” after the famous prison break in Subotica. He spent more than half his life behind bars.
– Everyone remembers him for his spectacular leaks. He jumped over walls, ran on roofs, climbed buildings, said an inspector who previously arrested Ziegler.
According to unofficial information, the suspect, who was filmed shooting Markovic while placing a stroller in the car, has already been questioned in Hungarian custody and later confessed to the murder in Belgrade, claiming that he killed so that he would not be killed himself.

– The lawyers suggested that Der be interrogated again in custody to clarify what he previously claimed, and that is that he committed the murder because his life was in danger. He was reportedly shot twice in Budapest and once in the Netherlands, explains Kurir’s interlocutor.
I was drunk and high
According to him, Chaba Dera’s expertise was also proposed, because Ziegler said earlier that Chaba was drunk and on drugs that day.
– Although Ziegler briefly denied his guilt yesterday, he stated that he understood the accusation and that he would present his defense in Hungarian, although he understands Serbian well. After the arrest, he allegedly admitted that he brought Chaba “point” to Banovo brdo on January 5, but claimed that he did not know that Der would kill someone, the source adds.
(Kurir.rs/Jelena Spasić / Printscreen forum, Nemanja Nikolić, Instagram)

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