TERROR NEAR JAGODINA: Aries killed a man, broke his spine, the unfortunate Vojkan remained dead on the spot!


An unusual tragedy occurred around noon on Thursday, and the unfortunate man suffered serious injuries and died on the spot.

As “Novosti” finds out about Zivadinka Jevtic’s mother, sheep and goats were grazing together in the meadow that day, and Vojkan went to visit them to visit the herd.

– I called him to come home, I told him to approach me with sheep because I knew the ram was dangerous. The other day, he threw the same thing at him and knocked him down, but it didn’t hurt him. My other son, who lives in Jagodina and works in the Ministry of the Interior, was with us that day. He could have been about 300 meters from the herd, he heard my Vojkan yelling at the ram, but while he was running, the ram had already hit him from behind, broke his spine and killed him on the spot – the mother told “Novosti”, crying. .


The victim of the angry animal was buried yesterday in the Donji Mišević cemetery. Locals say their disappearing villages have now dwindled by one more inhabitant, with only nursing homes left. – So are the parents of the unfortunate Vojkan, so now another son will take care of them, says our interlocutor.

The other son immediately called the Emergency Medical Service, but they were unable to save Vojkan’s life. According to Zivadinka, he had “fifteen locks”, he had sheep and goats that always went to graze together, they did not separate. The murderous ram is still at home, and the indignant mother notices that she is no longer interested in his fate. They can do whatever they want with him, let the other son sell him, only to not look at him anymore and not remind him of the tragedy.

The inhabitants of this small town of Jagodina are incredulous due to the horrible death of their neighbor. They say they loved them because he always tried to get to know everyone and help. He was constantly on the move, active, although he was not in good health.

– Vojkan had a congenital deformity of the spine, but he worked as hard as he could, taking care of the flock and taking care of the elderly parents with whom he lived in the house. We do not remember that it ever happened that a ram killed a man, although it happened that it struck. The Vojkan lock is in full force, huge! He was always belligerent, but this is probably a series of unfortunate circumstances. How sad! He attacked him from behind, so he didn’t even have a chance to defend himself. He immediately knocked him down and then killed him with blows to the head, says one of Donji Mišević’s residents.

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