TERRIBLE SIGN IN THE MIDDLE OF WINTER ?! THUNDER FIRED OVER SERBIA today! This phenomenon is unusual for both meteorologists and people, and it is believed that IT ANNOUNCES ANYTHING GOOD


In the winter, the action “Storm” in 1995, but also before the NATO bombing in 1999, supposedly thundered before the Battle of Kosovo, the First Serbian Uprising, the Second World War.

Tonight, the Srem area was hit by a heavy storm followed by thunder and rain. RHMZ warned this morning that special caution is needed in this area, and a yellow weather alarm was set on fire.

Meteorologist Djordje Djuric explains how unusual thunderstorms are in January for our country.

– Before the end of the day, there was rain and clouds over Srem, as well as thunder, but no stormy wind. During the night, this mass will move towards Banat, and then further towards Romania, and is not expected to cause any major climatic disasters on the Serbian territory, Đurić explains.

Photo: Tanjug AP / Orlin Wagner

He points out that thunderstorms in January are very rare for Serbia, but they are not unusual either.

– It is unusual for the winter part of the year, but it has happened before. We are under the influence of warm Mediterranean air, which is humid and unstable. It brings us these temperatures, which are higher for this time of year than usual, so winter temperatures are common in all parts of Europe, except in our country – says this meteorologist.

Đurić announces rainfall in other parts of the country overnight.

– In the continuation of the afternoon, it is possible that it will rain in the southwest of Serbia and snow in the highest mountains – concludes Đurić.

Popular beliefs: thunderstorms over Serbia in January often brought us bad things

Meteorologists observe this natural phenomenon quite normally and calmly, no matter how strange it is, because it is only a natural phenomenon.

It supposedly thundered in the winter before the First Serbian Uprising, World War II. Before the Battle of Kosovo, but also before the NATO bombing in 1999.

It also thundered in the winter of 1995. That summer began the Croatian action “Storm” and the terrible program of the Serbian people who were expelled from Croatia. Long columns of people who learned the most basic things followed, and without any goal they set out to find a better life somewhere, although they did not know where it would be. Soon, those same columns wandered aimlessly through the streets of Belgrade, seeking salvation from the accident that befell them.

Photo: Tanjug

However, there were also winters when it thundered and there were no “gunshots.” This happened on January 2, 1917, on January 17, 1955, on Christmas Day, 1982, and on January 16, 1983. Those winters were warmer than usual for that time of year, and the temperatures also happened to they were tall. .

In any case, we hope that this year will be peaceful and that the thunder that was heard last night in certain parts of Serbia will not disturb our peace.
