Terrible scenes while the body of a young man was being carried away (19), the sobs of a mother tore the sky


A motorcyclist (19) died in a traffic accident that occurred yesterday afternoon on Lole Ribara Street in Dobanovci, when a passenger car and a motorcycle collided.

Another person, who was sitting behind the two-wheeler, suffered serious bodily injury.

According to unofficial information, several two-wheelers were moving down Lola Ribara Street from the center of the settlement. According to eyewitnesses, they took the race and the driver of the car coming from the side street did not see them in time.

The ambulance teams could only declare the death of the motorcyclist, and another boy in serious condition was transferred to the intensive care unit of the Emergency Center.

A large number of friends and residents of Dobanovci gathered at the crash site.

– We found out through the Facebook page that something happened, we knew by sight the boy who was riding a motorcycle, we are in shock because of everything that happened – said the residents of this settlement.

The injured young man was said to have died a few hundred meters from the family home.

A large number of friends and family of the injured young man gathered at the scene of the accident. The moment the body was taken away by the funeral company, the sobs of the mother and friends broke this part of Dobanovci.

The elders of Dobanovci told us that it was only a matter of time before such a tragedy occurred.

– There are many motorcyclists here, and many of them ride very arrogantly. At night, we constantly hear them “fly” through the streets, we almost have a traffic policeman controlling the traffic. Unfortunately, tragedies happen in an instant, and I am sorry that such a young life has ended – said one of the eyewitnesses.


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Author: delivery courier
