TERRIBLE SCENE Ecological catastrophe in the Drina, one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe drowns in garbage (VIDEO)


There are terrifying scenes of floating debris in Lake Drina, at the entrance to Visegrad. Thousands of cubic meters of waste came through the Lim from Montenegro and tributaries of the Drina from cities in the Upper Drina region.

Everything that the rivers “collected” on their banks, from wild dumps or that was dumped through sheer negligence, is today in Lake Drina. Plastics, bottles, various bulky items, and debris float around the lake. An estimated four thousand cubic meters of debris reached the dam in Visegrad due to cracking of the sprocket, which could not withstand the enormous pressure, reports Srpskainfo.

The rain and rain in Visegrad make the situation even more difficult, and the view of the lake at this moment is like looking directly at a cataclysm. Workers at HPP Višegrad tried to solve the problem so that the waste would not endanger the operation of the hydroelectric plant, reports Klix.

Nedjeljko Perišić, the director of the company, told reporters that it was a decades-long problem, and they did everything possible on their own not to jeopardize the work of the hydroelectric plant.

He also warned that in the upper reaches of the Drina River, there are tens of thousands of cubic meters of floating debris that comes from the Praca, Tara, Piva tributaries, and mostly from the Lim River.

There is a danger that more cubic meters of waste will be found in the lake, because it is a time of rainfall and rising water, which is a great danger, and this type of situation has been warned for years not only by those responsible for the HPP Visegrad but also by nature lovers, aware that one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe due to the negligence of those who dump the waste, but also due to the fact that the authorities are not doing anything to finally solve this problem .

The ecological catastrophe that threatens to completely destroy one of the most beautiful rivers has been warned for years, but to no avail. The Drina River in this course occasionally turns into a huge garbage dump. The fact is that the rivers of garbage float on the lake and that the warnings about the ecological catastrophe did not bear fruit. Although this problem was the subject of debate at the highest levels of the three countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro, to date no quality solutions have been found. An ecological catastrophe is already happening.
