TERRIBLE NUMBERS The strongest crown hit yet! Six people died


In the past 24 hours, 9,531 people in Serbia were tested for the corona virus, of whom 1,817 tested positive. Unfortunately, six more people died.

According to the latest data from the Ministry of Health and the Institute “Trampoline”, there are 51 patients with respirators in health institutions in Serbia.

The director of the “Trampoline” Institute, Verica Jovanović, tells RTS that this week three times more infected people were registered than last week, and that the hospital’s capacities are being filled. She points out that the time of difficult clinical pictures when it comes to kovid 19 has not passed and she called us to be personal controllers in the implementation of the measures.

– According to the data only with Belgrade, there were more than 50 receptions during the night. During the day, there will be even more until the intersection – said Jovanović.

Commenting on the epidemiological situation in Serbia, Dr Srdja Jankovic, a member of the crisis staff, said that it was not so easy to follow the contacts of those infected “because there are too many”, and that there were only a few hundred epidemiologists in all the country.

He also said that we are just at the beginning of the third wave and that the epidemic is accelerating.
