TERRIBLE DETAILS: Bor’s girl’s father allegedly said THESE WORDS before oral sex


It all reportedly started when the girl was just 13 years old. The father took advantage of the fact that his wife was not at home and forced the boy to have oral sex. After that, he would supposedly force her to do it whenever the opportunity presented itself.

– The girl was overwhelmed when her father called her on the phone some time ago – says a source in the investigation. – Apparently, he told her that he was eager to get out of jail, to “love us again.”

After that, the minor was visibly upset, so her mother took her to a psychologist. There is I. Š. She recounted in detail what her father supposedly did to her, and the psychologist reported the whole case to the police.

– The girl stated that her father, before the first attack, supposedly explained to her that it was “nothing terrible” and that “this is how they show mutual love” – ​​says our interlocutor.

However, I. Š. He threatened his daughter not to tell anyone. Otherwise, he threatened to hurt her and her mother.

– Since last year, when I. Š. When he went to serve his prison sentence, the minor began to “return to normal.” But then a phone call from his father followed from the arrest, to which he reacted violently. Then his mother took him to a psychologist, who reported everything to the police after speaking with him, they added in the investigation.

The minor says that she herself does not know how many times she had to orally satisfy her father, but out of fear for her own safety she did not dare to say anything.

– According to the minor, her father took every opportunity to force her to practice oral sex. And after that, he always threatened her not to “play with her head to talk to someone”, that’s why the girl has been silent for years – says our interlocutor.

On the other hand, the minor’s father denies his daughter’s accusations and accuses his wife of turning her against him.

– This is a man who has more than 50 criminal acts – we learn from the authorities. – IT IS. He is known as a user but also as a reseller of psychoactive substances. He has dozens of robberies and aggravated robberies behind him, and one robbery. The surroundings were afraid of him.

If the girl’s allegations turn out to be true, additional penalties await her father.

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