TERMINATION OF THE EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF CRISIS PERSONNEL Due to the growing non-compliance with epidemiological regulations, IMPORTANT DECISIONS were made


In the extraordinary session of the Crisis Staff for the fight against kovid-19, which was held this afternoon, there was only one point on the agenda: the non-compliance with the epidemiological measures of the previous weekend, “Blic” has unofficially known.

Let us remind you, yesterday, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon noted that he was angry and worried after seeing images from Smederevo and Vrnjačka Banja in which there were large meetings in which epidemiological measures were not respected.

The Crisis Personnel for the Protection of the Health of the Population against the COVID-19 Infectious Disease strongly condemned the violation of epidemiological measures that was warned in certain local self-government units during the previous weekend. In the extraordinary session of the Crisis Staff, “a greater supervision of the inspection was requested, considering that at this moment, just before the beginning of the school year, the violation of the measures is completely inadmissible.”

The Crisis Staff sent letters to all mayors and mayors reminding them that they are obliged to ensure respect for all epidemiological measures in their territory, without exception, and that there will be no tolerance for non-compliance with the measures. If even a slight breach of preventive measures is noticed, the competent authorities are obliged to act in accordance with the law and sanction such behavior. This especially concerns the organizers of various events throughout Serbia, whose obligation is to provide all conditions so that the health of citizens is not endangered.

The Government of the Republic of Serbia will instruct the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Commission for the Coordination of Inspection, Supervision and inspection services of the local self-government units, to strengthen control over compliance with the measures and develop a joint control plan on compliance with all valid epidemiological measures.

All citizens of Serbia who notice the breach of preventive measures can report it through the exclusive Contact Center for Inspections through the portal www.inspektor.gov.rs or by calling the phone number 011/6350322.

“The number of infected and hospitalized, as well as the number of examinations in the last days, give us reason for optimism, but not for relaxation. Any irresponsible behavior in the coming days will be clearly reflected in the statistics in two or three weeks After a long time, the departure of certain health institutions from the Covid system gives health professionals the opportunity to rest at least a little before autumn. Other people and lack of respect for the law, a kind of lack of respect for healthcare workers who have endured the brunt of the fight against coronavirus, “crisis staff said in a statement.

ADDITIONAL VIDEO: Joy under the tent during the crown
