Tepic: The Assembly is a picture and an opportunity of the debacle in the so-called elections


The Vice President of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic, said on the Studio N1 Live program that what is happening in the Serbian Parliament is “an image and an opportunity of the debacle in the elections”, and that the Serbian president , Aleksandar Vucic, “will hide behind the women who will make a new Government of Serbia”

“It is clear that what we saw in the Assembly and what was commented, the photo and the occasion of the debacle in the so-called elections. This is a ridiculous photo of the so-called parliament. On the other hand, it is a dangerous photo, because I did not look at ‘Print of the week’. I would not even know that the deputies of the regime, in all their power, strength and knowledge, continue to argue with us that we do not sit in the Assembly at all, ”says Tepić.

He said that what was shown in parliament was “a real picture of dislocation”, as well as that “a lot of nonsense” was uttered by government representatives. Furthermore, he notes, even deeper divisions are still evident in society and political life, regardless of the fact that they are “alone in parliament.”

Speaking about the composition of the Government, he pointed out that the fact that it is made up of 50% women only speaks of “Vucic hiding behind them, as Goran Vesic did a while ago.”

“Vucic hides cowardly behind women and any criticism that someone intends to direct him, he used to say: ‘Here, you are attacking women’! I do not care, but I think it is a hoax, and that actually he’s hiding behind them ”, he believes.

Tepic affirmed that Ana Brnabic “will play five ficus if necessary, because each day in power means filling her brother’s pockets specifically.”

“So, we also have the Brnabić brothers, we not only have the Vučić and Kisić brothers,” he emphasized.

Commenting on the new mandate of Minister Zorana Mihajlović, he said that “it is about a woman who participated in the poisoning and murder of people in Kostolac, Požarevac and the entire district.”

Speaking of those who were not found in the new government, he evaluated that “the history of individual solutions is a waste of time because it doesn’t matter who will do what, because each of his days in power is exclusively related to giving money to the party and brothers “.

“Darija Kisić Tepavčević has 27 million reasons to be in that position, as does her brother, who made such wonderful money working with EPS and state companies,” he says.

He reiterated that EPS director Milorad Grčić must “flee” from the position of CEO “for many reasons”.

“The electric power system has led to a losing state. There is the collapse of EPS, the state giant. Thanks to EPS, we have survived both the sanctions and the bombings, and EPS has not survived Grcic,” Tepic said.

He estimated that the consequences of that would be an increase in the price of electricity, as if the workers were laid off.

Watch the guest appearance as part of N1 Studio’s live show:
