Tepic: Susnjic is known to cover up, the prosecution requests information from Loncar


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic, told H1 that the prosecution reacted to her and the report of lawyer Vladimir Todoric against the members of the Crisis Staff of the Government of Serbia and asked the Ministry of Health for additional information. Commenting on the case of the beating in Novi Sad, she says the police gave suspect Nikola Kontić 19 days to flee the country.

Marinika Tepic and lawyer Vladimir Todoric filed criminal charges against members of the Crisis Staff for misleading the public about the epidemiological situation and hiding the numbers of infected and deceased by the coronavirus, all with the aim of holding elections. Subsequently, the First Basic Prosecutor’s Office of Belgrade, which received the report, sent, as Nova.rs writes, the so-called request to collect the necessary information, neither less nor more, to the Ministry of Health, although the criminal report also included to Minister Zlatibor Loncar.

“The indictment was directed at Loncar, who, ironically, is included in our report. We also indict Darija Kisic Tepavcevic, Predrag Kon and Branimir Nestorovic, accusing them of abusing their position by doing so or not, and of knowingly misleading the public. in order to prepare the ground for the elections, “Tepic said on N1 Studio Live.

In this way, he says, they endangered large numbers of people, some of whom died.

“We charge them with a serious crime that does not expire for 30 years. We hope that one day this criminal report reaches its objective, and that is to show that the entire leadership of the Crisis Staff served Aleksandar Vučić’s electoral campaign, that they were a cover. for his intention, and thus he knowingly participated in serious crimes, deceiving the public, ”said Tepic.

It says that thousands of signatures were collected from citizens across Serbia in “record time”.

“And then, with all the data, we took them to the prosecutor’s office so that the whole situation came out of the deadlock. We received information that the case was submitted to the prosecution, and then the Ministry of Health was asked for information about our report” Tepic said. .

In Croatia, the Constitutional Court will rule on the constitutionality of the crisis headquarters decisions there. When asked if such a situation is also possible in Serbia, Tepic said that his request is a path to the Constitutional Court.

Covering the beatings in Novi Sad

Commenting on the silence of the police in Novi Sad in the case of Ivan Kontić, suspected of brutally beating a young man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad three weeks ago, Tepić says that this is an expected reaction, because, as she put it , Novi Sad Police Department chief Milorad Susnjic “celebrated” by covering himself.

She reminded me a case of beating a child with special needs during a demonstration in July in Novi Sad. “Even then, we had cover-ups and they should have acted immediately,” he stressed.

“When we drew the line, the police provided Kontić to escape for 19 days. If we know from the emergency center that the police were informed after receiving the beaten person, at that time both the police and Šušnjić should have announced the search. of that person, “he said.

He also said that according to information he received “from honest police officers in Novi Sad”, it was “prohibited to break into Maxbet gambling shops during raids.”

“What is even more interesting, despite the importance of the video of the beating, is that Miroslav Parovic, who published the video, was until recently an advisor to the mayor of Novi Sad Milos Vucevic, they were in a coalition and Parovic was a presidential candidate whose signatures were collected by the SNS “Now it has seemed to ‘open our eyes’, and that implies the reasons why it happened,” said Marinika Tepic.
