Tepic: Only yesterday, for the first time, the decision on the formation of the Crisis Staff in the bulletin


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Marinika Tepic, said that the Decision of the Government of Serbia on the formation of the Crisis Staff for the suppression of covids was published in the Official Gazette just yesterday, indicating that all the members of that body misrepresented themselves for months.

The SAA therefore expects an accelerated reaction from the prosecution to the criminal accusations they filed against members of the “so-called Crisis Staff” for endangering the health and lives of people, which caused the “death of several people “the party announced today.

Tepic added in a written statement that the announcement proved the opposition was right when it said that the Crisis General Staff was “just a ghost private group (of Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic for propaganda”) that served to “consciously mislead the citizens “on epidemiological situation for the sake of holding elections.

Prime Minister Brnabić, Minister Lončar, Doctors Kisić Tepavčević, Kon and others went a step further, trying to justify themselves a few days ago, explaining that there is a conclusion from March 13 on the training of crisis personnel, although it was never published on the Government website. in official acts not so much, and the supposed copy of that conclusion was published only a few days ago in the tabloids with the label ‘private archive’ ”, added Tepić.

It also assessed that the subsequent conclusion of the Government was “pure circumvention of the law,” considering that the sole responsible for the epidemic is the Law for the Protection of the Population against Infectious Diseases and commissions in accordance with that law, and not “conclusions made and illegal “.

They could not hide their disorientation by covering up this scandal, and after several days of propaganda to explain that the ‘Conclusion on the establishment of the Crisis Staff’ is the appropriate solution and that there is no need to publish it, just a few days later, on Friday October 30, however, they are reversing all the effort and are now publishing the Decision on the training of Crisis Personnel in the Official Gazette for the first time, “believes Tepic.
