Tepic: I did not attack Aseko, but Brnabic


“Ana Brnabić does not know how to distinguish between direct and indirect. I did not attack a foreign investor, but her because she looted the state budget,” said the vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepić, in a statement to Nova .rs, commenting on the prime minister’s allegations that his remarks endangered the business of a foreign investor (Aseko) in Serbia.

Earlier today, Prime Minister Ana Brnabić commented Tepic comments on the business of the company of which his brother is director, stating that the vice president of the SAA “mentally detonated” again and that it will cost the citizens again.

She indirectly attacked me and my brother, and directly a foreign company: a Polish and European company.“Said Brnabić, stating that his brother is just one of the employees of the Aseko company, which has 25,000 employees.

In reaction to the Prime Minister’s accusations, Tepic said in a statement to Nova.rs He noted that the Prime Minister does not distinguish between direct and indirect, and that her family “looted” the Serbian budget.

“I attacked her directly, and that means directly to Ms Brnabic, because the state budget has been looted since she became prime minister. I have shown that the strong millions of citizens of Serbia are divided in the Aseko company, where her brother is the director. And that is exactly after 2017, after he assumed the post of Prime Minister of Serbia, “said Tepić, adding that until that year, the income of the Aseko company in business with the Republic of Serbia amounted to an average of one million euros per year.

Since 2017, in just two years, its revenue has skyrocketed to € 39 million. So, I directly attacked Ana Brnabić, and indirectly attacked the prosecution because she ‘squints’ and we should not question Ana Brnabić for corruption. I think it is also valuable for the Polish Aseko to hear all this and to understand how his branch in Serbia is doing fraternal business. With her business, Brnabić is damaging the reputation of the Aseko company, and not us, to whom we point it out. All the big companies in the world worry when, on borders like this, someone interferes and ruins their name. Especially when there is evidence of corrupt practices like I showed them on Wednesday. I think Aseko is also very satisfied with this and that he will not experience it as an attack at all, on the contrary, he will understand it as a valuable help to preserve his own reputation, ”said Tepić.
