Tepic has given a deadline for details about the Kurir purchase, and BIRN is writing about a suspicious transaction.


The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party, Marinika Tepic, once again asked the Council for the Fight against Corruption to declare itself on, as she said, the business between the state-owned Telecom and the individual Igor Zezelj during the purchase of the Kurir tabloid. He gave the City Council and Telecom until December 9 to present to the public all the documents and contracts related to the case, otherwise, he announced the presentation of a series of criminal charges. BIRN’s investigative journalism network writes that the Commission for the Protection of Competition should reconsider the sale of Kurir.

Due to the silence that lasted for three months, he returned to the Government of Serbia to repeat the question: Is the contract between the state Telecom and the private company Igor Žeželj, as Tepić says: corrupt, false and if Žeželj received 38 million euros you are welcome? the citizens?

The vice president of the Freedom and Justice Party explains that she is not asking the Council for the Fight against Corruption to condemn someone, but to do her job and ask her new questions.

“Why did you shut up? Is someone threatening you? Are any of you hiding the documents that you claim are necessary to take a position? Has someone silenced you and if so, tell me who?” Tepic asked in the today. Press conference.

BIRN writes, citing its sources, that the Commission for the Protection of Competition appears to have made its decision to allow Mondo to buy Adria Media Group, not only without knowing the October 2018 agreement on cooperation between Telecom and Wireless Media. Monda’s mothers, but also unaware of the documents on their previous cooperation from 2004 and 2007.

Our source concludes that in that case the ex officio Commission (based on article 176 of the General Legal Procedure Law and in relation to article 46 of the Competition Protection Law) should initiate the process of repeating the procedure of concentration between Adria Media Group (published by Kurir). and Mondo (Igor Žeželj) due to new facts and “due to false and unrepresented data, which misled the official,” says the BIRN text.

Every contract should have been taken into account, because every contract could have influenced the decision of the Commission for the Defense of Competition on the purchase of the Kurir publishing house by the company Mondo, explains the former director of that Commission, Diana Markovic Bajalovic.

“It’s actually a conglomerate now that covers the print media market, and Kurir has their own electronic publishing and Mondo, from what I’ve seen, has electronic publishing, so it’s definitely a stronger market position. what a point, I would not do that at this time. I could say, but the Commission could know the facts of all those agreements that would be important to evaluate this concentration, “says Markovic Bajalovic.

Marinika Tepic also gave a deadline. “Messrs Milićević and Ćulibrka, you have two weeks to present to the public all the documents and commercial agreements with the particular Igor Žeželj to declare in this regard, otherwise we will initiate a series of criminal charges on December 9,” said the vice president of the SAA.

We called and sent a message to the vice president of the Council for the Fight against Corruption, Miroslav Milićević, but he did not answer us today.
