Members of the Serbian army and numerous volunteers have prepared Pavilion 1 at the Novi Sad Fair, which will house a temporary hospital for patients with mild symptoms of the viral infection kovid-19.
On Friday evening, the Mayor of Novi Sad, Miloš Vučević, and the Minister of Defense, Nebojsa Stefanović, visited Ward 1 and assessed that all conditions for decent accommodation and patient care were achieved “in just 24 hours”.
“At the suggestion of the provincial health secretary Zoran Gojković, the Novi Sad city team, together with the Ministry of Defense, provided all the logistics. We owe a big thank you to the soldiers, as well as the volunteers and everyone who showed responsibility and helped everything to be ready as soon as possible, “he said. Vučević.
He indicated that a new floor was installed in the hall, the necessary equipment was installed and decent conditions were provided for the stay of patients and hospital personnel.
He added that it is now up to the Vojvodina Clinical Center and the health system to take over Pavilion 1 of the Novi Sad Fair and determine when the temporary hospital will begin accepting patients.

Source: Ministry of Defense
The defense minister said that the hospital capacity of the ward is 352 beds, of which 312 are provided for patients and 40 beds for medical workers.
“We owe a big thank you to the young, volunteers from all over Serbia who joined the action of forming covid hospitals,” said Stefanović.

Source: Ministry of Defense
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