TEMPERATURE, MUSCLE PAIN AND DIARRHEA: You think you have a crown and it is a dangerous parasite, warns a famous doctor


It usually occurs at the end and beginning of the year, after swine fever, and the accompanying symptoms can even confuse doctors, because they are very similar to the symptoms of the flu and corona.

The Subotica Institute of Public Health says that trinellosis most often affects West Bačka and South Bačka districts, mainly Srem. The reason for this is wild pigs, which are the most common reservoir for trichinosis.

– Not only do wild boars get infected with rats, but rats get infected too. When an infected rat reaches the territory of the municipalities or districts where we register the disease, domestic pigs, especially sows, change their feeding habits during gestation and can eat small rodents, as well as rats – explains Dr. Nebojsa Bohucki, epidemiologist .

According to him, the hosts do not think about this disease, because they do not mix the meat of their pig with the meat of a wild boar, and they do not believe that the pig is also infected with Trichinella.

But if the meat is not brought to a vet for examination, a problem arises.

– Prevention is very simple. It is enough that each time the pig is slaughtered, a part of the meat is examined, the most active part of the musculature near the diaphragm. If there are no Trichinella larvae, the meat is correct, says Dr. Bohucki.

Otherwise, the disease occurs and it is not harmless. When someone eats meat in which the larvae are Trichinella, diarrhea occurs after a few days.

Dr. Nebojsa Bohucki / Photo: Printscreen

– This is not specific at all, because diarrhea is something that most citizens have during the year. Diarrhea also passes, but after two weeks, the larvae penetrate the bloodstream and then the entire musculature. Depending on the amount of meat eaten, the clinical picture varies. It can be very mild and it can be serious and extremely severe and a person can end up in the hospital. If there is no severe clinical picture, the patient complains of fever and muscle pain. As a rule, as we know when the pig is slaughtered, in January and February raw meats, sausages, ham, etc. are consumed. This is the period when we have a number of droplet infections, flu and now kovid – 19. The disease is rare and the doctor will not even think about trichinosis, because only on the basis of the clinical picture we cannot know what the disease – explains the epidemiologist.

Only if someone has a serious clinical picture and ends up in the hospital, as a rule, in cardiology, because the patient has cardiac arrhythmias.

– When a broader diagnosis is made, a case of trichinosis is discovered, and then epidemiologists investigate what and who consumed the meat. The biggest problem is if someone sells Trichinella-infested products. I am referring, above all, to individuals. Another important point is that sometimes someone mixes wild boar meat with domestic pork to have a greater quantity of product. Huge illness can occur, and it used to occur with a few hundred patients at Srem. The most important thing is to think about all this, the disease is real and it is present – concludes Dr. Nebojsa Bohucki.


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