TELEGRAMS OF CONDOLENCES SENT: Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of the General Staff Milan Mojsilovic visited the scene of the tragedy


Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Chief of General Staff Milan Mojsilovic, Air Force Commander and Air Defense Major General Dusko Zarkovic, and 204 Air Brigade Commander Colonel Brane Krnjajic visited the scene of the tragedy and they spoke with eyewitnesses.

After an investigation by civil and military authorities, the Chief of Staff formed an Emergency Investigation Commission headed by the Chief of the Development and Equipment Directorate, Brigadier General Milan Popovic, and the Air Force Commander. and Air Defense formed a commission of experts to determine the cause of the MiG accident. -21 led by the Chief of Staff of the RViPVO Command, Brigadier General Aleksandar Bjelic.

Serbian Army Supreme Commander Aleksandar Vučić, Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, and Chief of the General Staff, General Milan Mojsilović, sent telegrams of condolences to the families of the dead pilots.

A telegram of condolences from Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin to the families of the dead pilots says:

“The loss of all human lives is a tragedy for family and friends, and the death of a soldier is a blow and a tragedy for the entire country and the people.

We lost comrades, officers, combatants and Serbia was left without two pilots who put the defense of their country and their people first. There is no consolation, there is only knowledge that we had the opportunity to study and work with them.

The army never forgets and remembers forever the courage and loyalty of its members. We will take care of you, dear families, as if you are still with us, the army never leaves the best. No matter how much it hurts, we will be together in the future.

I ask you, on behalf of all the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian army, and in your own name, to express our deepest and sincere condolences, “reads a telegram of condolences from Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin to the families of the dead pilots, Major Dejan Krsnik and Captain 1st Class Zvonko Vasiljevic.

The MiG-21 aircraft was inspected prior to takeoff in accordance with all procedures, and after the inspection, it was determined to be correct and ready for flight.


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