Teens broadcast while driving at 250 per hour! HOW MANY CHILDREN HAVE TO KILL TO BE ARRESTED!



Photo: Kurir / JS, Private Archive

The traffic accident that occurred in Kraljevo on Saturday, in which Filip Stanišić (25) died, in addition to speeding and alcohol, was allegedly sponsored by the fact that he and his friend recorded and broadcast live video on the social network immediately before and at the time of the accident. Kurir finds out.

boast of a crazy trip
boast of a crazy tripphoto: Printscreen Instagram

Recall that the tragedy occurred when a BMW collided directly with a car in the opposite direction.

The Kraljevo case

– N. Đ. He was behind the wheel, who was seriously injured, and Stanišić was a co-driver. BMW was fast, N. Đ. he also had a small amount of alcohol in his blood. A story spread that he lost control and crossed into the opposite lane because he was shooting a live video for Instagram, says a source familiar with the case.

opasnophoto: Printscreen Instagram

Unfortunately, this is not the first time that young people have died in traffic due to video recording with mobile phones. This dangerous behavior has become a new trend among young people, who increasingly record their wild and violent driving for the sake of popularity on social media, and upload recordings and photos on Instagram and Facebook.

The singer’s godfather miraculously survived and recorded his accident Andrej Ančević (32), the godfather of the ex-wives of singer Ana Nikolić and rapper Stefan Đurić Rasta, had a traffic accident at Smederevski post in Belgrade a year ago, while filming driving. The video, which he broadcast live on Instagram, showed him flying ten feet and ending up on the roof. Although the scene seemed spooky, Ančević did not interrupt the live, but continued to comment.

Rastin's godfather filmed his accident
Rastin’s godfather filmed his accidentphoto: Printscreen Instagram

– There are also a lot of groups on the networks that encourage young people to record themselves while driving and uploading those recordings. “Send us dynamic clips, life does not work, but the gas is going” and the group’s administrators send similar messages to the young people, who are competing to make a “more exciting” recording of their crazy journey, says the source, adding that there are hundreds of clips made on the Internet on almost every road in Serbia, in which the Zeiger shows a three-digit number.

the firemen took out Philip
the firefighters took out Philipphoto: print screen

– The point is that the speedometer shows a number as high as possible, so there are driving records at 265 per hour, which is twice the maximum speed allowed in Serbia – says the source, adding that young people advertise every time more like they drive on the sidewalk or skid.


Damir Okanović from the Traffic Safety Committee says there are disturbing recordings on the networks.

– It is an extremely dangerous and arrogant journey. It is tragic that for some it is the last live broadcast of their lives. In the second case, the transmission can continue from the prison or the Emergency Center, if they are lucky enough to survive, says Okanović, noting that it is terrible that groups on Facebook and Instagram promote unacceptable behavior and present it as desirable.

Damir Okanović

Tastes are more important than life

Damir Okanović says that in some countries, p. Eg In the UK, there is a special police department, which deals exclusively with social media and dangerous driving videos.

– Apart from the fact that young people endanger their lives in this way, they also endanger other people, because someone can die in an accident caused in this way. It’s as if they don’t really care about others, because it seems that tastes are more important to them than life, he evaluated.

In Serbia we are sadly seeing images of very dangerous and violent driving, but no one has yet been called to account for it, although they boast that they are seriously violating the Road Safety Law.

(Kurir.rs/ Jelena Ivic / Photo: Printscreen Instagram, JS, Printscreen, private archive)

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
