TEARS OF PATRIARCH IRINEJ: This is the only time he cried in public (VIDEO)


The patriarch was extremely attached to Kosovo and Metohija, the attacked Serbs who lived below and all our saints.

He was a professor at the Prizren seminary in 1959-1968. year, and rector from 1971-1974. years. He always emphasized that the Serbian people could not accept that Kosovo was outside of Serbia.

Two years ago, Patriarch Irinej visited Kosovo and Metohija. He left without warning, without plan or pomp. He planned to stay two days, stayed five. He had a bad cold but he didn’t give up. He visited the shrines and the people.

For the first time in public, the first Serbian hierarch cried on that same trip.

Many children welcomed him in Orahovac. They sang to him about Kosovo, about Metohija … he listened to them and cried. It was the only time that people saw the tears of their Patriarch, tears that many did not care about.

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