TEARS IN COURT, PARENTS OF THE DEAD SURPRISED BY THE TRIAL: “He ruined our lives, he took everything from us, and they put four years on him”


Yesterday Mihailović’s arrest was lifted and he was replaced by a housekeeper with a nano-leg in which he will be at his home in Veliki Crljeni until he is called to serve his sentence.

The court found that he was guilty of endangering the lives of several people in a state of severe alcoholism and driving at least 117 kilometers per hour. Then, in the collision of “BMW”, who was also driving a “Dacia” taxi, four people were killed, three were seriously injured and one was slightly injured.


THE MOTHER of the late Katarina Maja Ivanković was quite disappointed and wept in the courtroom:

– He took everything from us, ruined our lives, not only us, but all these families, and they put four years into it. His friend, who was driving behind him at the time, said later that he was driving at 170 kilometers per hour, without seeing Mihailović in front, which means he was driving at 200 km / h. I will sue Mihailović’s lawyer, because he said that Katarina was his girlfriend. She saw him for the second time in her life and went out for a drink with them, because her friend called her. They weren’t having fun, Katarina had another boyfriend.

– Committed a serious act against road safety. It was taken lightly that this would not happen or that it would avoid consequences, the judge said. – This was a tragic event, and the court established all the facts and those that distract, but also those that are in favor of the accused.

The judge stated that Mihailović did not deny that he was drinking before the accident and that he was driving fast. However, the fact that his punishment was not stricter was also influenced by the fact that traffic experts said that Aleksandar Savatić, the driver of the “dacia”, who merged onto the road without stopping, also has part of the responsibility for causing the accident.

– The crossing did not have a “stop” sign, but the driver of the “Dacia” had to inspect the direction from which the “BMW” was coming – said the judge in the explanation. – If I had done that, I would have noticed the lights on the “BMW”. Its omission is the initial cause of the dangerous situation. Likewise, the defendant was greeted by a car with the lights on, which prevented him from seeing the “dacia” before, but his speed also contributed to the dangerous situation, since if he had driven 50 kilometers per hour, he could have prevented it.

As extenuating circumstances, Mihailović took, as the judge said, sincere regret and regret, that he is a young man and is not convicted.


MARIJA Savatić, the mother of the murdered driver of the “dacia”, Aleksandar, was outraged by the experience:

– That the experts return everything to the experts of the Faculty of Transportation as they did. I am not saying that my son is not to blame either, but they did not even go to the field, they already examined the video. Alexander missed a vehicle and turned slowly, but it sped up with incredible speed. Our children’s lives are worth a year.

When the sentence ended, the parents of the victims were disappointed with the amount of the sentence. The grandmother of the late Katarina Ivanković, leaving the courtroom, shouted: “What a shame, this is a shame, murderer, you killed Katarina!” Mihailović simply lowered his head and ran to the other door of the room in front of the guards.

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