At the request of many sub-famous people, to whom it seems I have raised Sebastian (as well as my own), starting Monday, and until otherwise ordered, I will be on a well-deserved vacation.

During that time, instead of regular discussions on various topics, excerpts from the already announced boulevard novel “Boulevard of Involution” will go to the funniest audience.
Before retiring to the obscurity of the media, I will take the opportunity to explain to the sub-famous man signed as “open eye” (why not “fiery”?) “Why do you think (m) that the period 1912 to 1918 was the period of the creation of a Greater Serbia “in the history we are learning, it was the period of the Balkan wars for the liberation of Serbia from the Ottoman Empire, that is, the expulsion of Turkey from the Balkans and the First World War, that is, the fight against the occupiers and archenemies of Serbia … “
There are several reasons why I think yes, my eyes are open.
First of all, because at that time the intention to create a Greater Serbia was not a secret, on the contrary, it was a public strategic state objective, against which, except for the Austro-Hungarian and Ottoman empires, nobody had anything.
Such was the zeitgast, such a “trend”. He sang to supranational empires. Serbia (for the last time) has kept pace with world historical processes.
And he had strong allies.
The allies, however, had a great reputation for being allies of Serbia.
Along with other Balkan nations, Serbia did a dirty job in London, Paris and Berlin, and to do it, it had to go into debt a lot in London, Paris and Berlin to buy arms, wounds and pockets; Wars have always been a business, why would the Balkans be an exception?
However, what Serbia “liberated” was not Serbia but the internationally recognized territory of a sovereign state, therefore it was not a war of liberation but a war of conquest.
It is true that according to tradition, common law and blind songs, that was considered Serbia, but according to that law and that tradition, all places in this world where there is at least one Serbian grave are considered Serbian.
The writer means that in times and situations in which tradition, customary law and blind songs fit into the world political current and the conquests are verified internationally as liberations, but that in situations in which customary law and blind songs they stand out from the geopolitical framework of liberation, conquests.
That history is a whore, and that the world is a tyrant for a tyrant, is not unknown anywhere except in the ranks of Elebac’s Serbian elites (of all times and colors) who, instead of looking for how ” fitting “common law and blind songs into the framework of world historical trends adapts world historical trends to Serbian common law and blind songs.
Look at what we fell for after the last time we went out of frame, so imagine what we’ll save the next time we do it, and we just didn’t.
The team is good, shocks and shoemakers, as said Ikonija Sakadžika, the heroine of the novel “Nišči” by Vidosav Stevanović.