Tax administration not paying taxes


The Serbian Tax Administration announced that it has determined that taxpayers, natural persons who earn income abroad by providing software development services, translation, foreign language classes, graphic design, then YouTubers, influencers do not pay taxes and other contributions.

In a statement, the Administration stated that based on the data available on payments from abroad and comparing these data with the tax returns filed, it established a high rate of non-compliance with the tax regulations and identified those persons.

As indicated, this income is obtained on the basis of the provision of various types of services, the most common being software development services, translation, foreign language classes, promotion, graphic design and other types of services.

Non-compliance with tax regulations has been established among individuals who obtain income from social networks (YouTubers, influencers), bets on the internet and the like, as well as among people who have rented their own property for up to 30 days (apartment for day).

The Tax Administration called all natural persons who had not submitted tax returns to calculate taxes and contributions with interest and to settle their legal obligations on their own initiative before starting tax control or submitting a request to start a fault process, with in order to avoid liability for faults.
