Tatalović: The insults directed at me are an attack on H1 – Society


Journalist Zaklina Tatalović assessed tonight that the insults directed at her by folk singer Aleksandar Vuksanović, better known as Aca Lukas, are not essentially an attack on her personally, but on journalists from H1 television.

Tatalović: The insults directed at me are an attack on H1 1Photo: FoNet / Marija Djokovic

She stated as a guest on Utisak nedelja that the “war” that the tabloid press is waging against her is a consequence of the questions she asks at press conferences.

“After every (asking journalistic questions), the tabloids always call me a media satrap who works for opposition leaders … I think there is more ‘media darkness’ now than in 2014 or 2016,” he said Tatalović.

He added that he believes that one of the closest associates of the Serbian president, Aleksandar Vučić, “gave the task” to Lukas of what to say about her, and also expressed his confidence that Vučić controls certain media, that is, calling the publishers and influence the way they report.

Director Milica Kralj assessed that it makes no sense to have a discussion about whether politicians send messages to journalists or editors, at a time when “the state is falling apart.”

He added that the way of speaking that is broadcast on televisions with national frequencies greatly shapes society and influences citizens.

“(It is) a dictionary written in a society of enormous violence that comes from national frequencies … Citizens are not aware of (their) power and we will have no future if they do not wake up,” Kralj said.

He added that, according to the law that regulates the obligations of media service providers, the conditions for obtaining the national frequency are not met by any television “except possibly RTS, which only complies with the form.”

He asked the former member of the Council of the Electronic Media Regulatory Body (REM), Olivera Zekić, to break the Electronic Media Law in the next term, because it is not respected or applied.

Commenting on the allegations about Aleksandar Vučić’s influence in the media, Zekić assessed that the president “does not care so much about the work of the media and journalists”, but that he deals with “important state problems”.

She said that she had known Vučić for 25 years and that he had not invited her editor, nor her while she was the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.

She said that during five years of work at REM she was exposed to insults on several occasions, and that no one defended her then, and appreciated that the insults were directed at Tatalović and other women “a problem of society and patriarchal environment that immediately disqualifies (woman) “.

He added that H1 and Nova S “bear responsibility” for the government’s attitude towards them “because they broadcast programs in which Vučić is called a liar and crazy.”

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