Tasovac: The noisy minority in Serbia is irritated by the success of our country



There is a noisy minority in Serbia that is irritated by every success of our country, said the director of the Belgrade Philharmonic, Ivan Tasovac.

Tasovac told TV Pink that he can sadly note the way they face all the problems they face in Serbia, whether political or health, and with what joy they receive the news from abroad that is bad for Serbia.

“There is no criterion and source of who speaks. They do not care if they are going to say something against Madeleine Albright or Tanja Fajon, it is only important that it is presented as if it were the position of some international body,” Tasovac said.

According to him, there are people for whom the only bad news is good news and they are a large minority in Serbia.

“They are a noisy minority, but I think every success from Serbia irritates them far more than any of us are excited about this species,” Tasovac said.

That, he added, is not political.

“The moment you put politics to absolutely attack Vučić because it is psychologically justified, it cannot be politically justified. For them, it is psychologically justified, and I have more and more the impression that none of them have any problem with Vučić. They are struggling with some elementary democratic principles that are present all over the world, “Tasovac said.

Tasovac says that they believe that not all people should have the right to vote and that they would rather have some stamps that hit the forehead of who we are to vote.

“If Vučić were to come out right now and say, ‘It’s cold outside’ and that’s why he should wear long pants and coats, I’m sure that in the next two or three days, both Djilas and Obradović and Jeremić would be in shorts around town. Tasovac evaluated.
