Take all measures and actions


“Patient MM (28) was admitted to the Emergency Center on August 24 in the afternoon with serious bodily injuries: forearm fracture, multiple soft tissue injuries to the head and face, chest and pelvis. After an urgent diagnostic protocol , timely and After the necessary hospital care, the patient was discharged to receive treatment at home, “it was said from the Vojvodina Clinical Center to Blitz.

Police Director Vladimir Rebić announced tonight that the Novi Sad police were informed about the beating of a 28-year-old boy on August 24 by doctors, who provided him with help due to injuries sustained.

“From then until today, in cooperation with the competent prosecutor’s office, the police officers have taken all measures and actions to clarify all the circumstances of the incident and identify the suspect Ivan Kontić (1990),” Rebić said in a press release.

The Interior Ministry announced that they are looking intensely for Ivan Kontić (1990), suspected of beating a 28-year-old man on Jevrejska Street in Novi Sad and inflicting serious bodily injury on him.
