Take a look at the zero series of reconnaissance vehicles and learn more about their capabilities.


Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin received the zero series of command and reconnaissance vehicles (KIV), a product of the modernization of armored combat vehicles (BOV-3).

Vulin emphasized that the army will continue to equip itself, that none of our means will be rejected like this, and that everything that can be improved and modernized will be expressed in the announcement of the Ministry of Defense.

“In that way, we use the budget funds available to us in a much more intelligent way, and the readiness and combat capacity of our army is growing and progressing,” said the defense minister.

He added that “thanks to the modernization of the BOV, it is now much better protected”, its load capacity has increased, it is armed and equipped.

“Now it is a vehicle that can stand up to any similar vehicle used by some of the richest and most powerful armies than ours. BOV is proof of how important it is to preserve the defense industry, because this is all the product of our intelligence. , our knowledge and ideas. from our engineers, “said Vulin.

Four variants of command and reconnaissance vehicles.

Deputy Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović said that there are hundreds of armored fighting vehicles in the Army and that this is one of the reasons the platform is being modernized.

He added that upgrading the BOV-3 resulted in four command and reconnaissance vehicle (KIV) variants.

The required characteristics of the vehicle have been achieved at a very modern level. The modifications made have achieved very good results, especially in terms of protection. In terms of parameters: price and efficiency, a very good relationship has been achieved and therefore additional work is planned. with this platform and its subsequent use for various other purposes, “said Miloradović.

He added that the current world level has been achieved in the protection, functionality and comfort of the crew, and that he is satisfied with what has been achieved “in terms of the mobility of the vehicle.”

The KIV series zero contributes greatly to the military by enhancing command capabilities at the battalion and division level.

Promising vehicle

The project manager for the development of this vehicle, Miodrag Vujanović from the Military Technical Institute, said that a vehicle was produced that is very promising in all respects and can be used for many years.

“The essence of the command and reconnaissance vehicle is in the communication and computing equipment that is built inside, and the vehicle is only the possibility that the commander is in combat and is safe. Only the vehicle has several subsystems, from the weapons subsystem It consists of internal battery resources, which allow the operation of the vehicles for up to 24 hours continuously ”, said Vujanovic.

The vehicle also has external sources such as the generator, modern ventilation system, optoelectronic driving system that allows the crew to drive successfully in all conditions, both combat and non-combat, using these electronic means.

Vujanovic affirms that the vehicle’s telecommunication-information system allows the commands to be transmitted quickly and appropriately, so that the commander always has a view of the complete schedule of both his own and other units, thanks to the information he received from through that system.

BOV modernization is an important project for the future of the factory

The director of the company “FAP Corporation”, Ranko Vukovic, said that the modernization of BOV is an important project for the future of that factory, the people who work in it and for the defense industry of Serbia.

“The most important thing was that people realized that they were working on a project for themselves, for the future of the factory, and therefore for the state, to have their own company that would make a combat vehicle. That there was no IFP and people from the Defense Technology Directorate, the engineers themselves. and the FAP workers could not modernize and integrate such a combat system, because it is something new for us, ”he said.

He added that in the new stage that the FAP was in, with its restructuring and organization, it was seen that the commercial program is not the future of the FAP, but what the dedicated industry needs.

“With the entry of the Serbian defense industry, we made efforts to adjust to the needs of the Serbian army and the tasks assigned to us. It was a difficult challenge and it meant a lot to us financially,” Vukovic said.

The visit was also attended by the director of the Military Technical Institute, Colonel Bojan Pavković, and his associates involved in the development of the BOV KIV vehicle.
