Tag Archives: writes

CROATS WRITES EVERY SIX REVIEWS: Last year up to 385 amendments were submitted to the European Parliament report on the progress of our country.

[ad_1] Up to 385 amendments have been tabled to this year’s report, some recognizing Serbia’s reforms and respecting its territorial integrity, others criticizing human rights, the media and even prejudging the status of Kosovo. And there are those “neighbors”. Tonino Picula, as co-presenter of many amendments, demands, among other things, …

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All Belgrade is surprised to see SCENES OF ZVEZDARA: “Half-naked people are waiting in line to be healed from the crown,” the man writes, and that all this is happening in the 21st century.

[ad_1] – In Zvezdara, people, half naked, line up before the “doctor” who is treating the crown. Spray people with a little liquid. What about this people ??? – asks the Twitter user who posted the image. All this happens near Cvetkova pijaca, and those who are more informed know …

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