Tag Archives: WORKER

One in five million: medical worker vacancies are bogus

[ad_1] The “One in Five Million” association says that even though there are not enough medical personnel in Serbia, a nurse from Bor cannot be employed in the profession. They report that the competitions to hire medical workers in Serbia are false. “So far the false help of Aleksandar Vučić …

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HIGHER WAGES FOR 2 MILLION PEOPLE IN SERBIA! Now it is known in dinars how much the doctor will receive and how much the counter worker and the pensioner will receive.

[ad_1] Now it is definite that around 2.1 million citizens in Serbia will have higher incomes as of January. The increases of 1.7 million pensioners in January’s pension can already be calculated in dinars, and yesterday the increase in salaries in the public sector, in percentage, was officially announced. The …

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