Tag Archives: word

“ALL TONGUE FOR TEETH!” Soldiers from Velja Nevolje try to sabotage the investigation, so they threaten the detainees and their families to NOT SPEAK A word about the crimes

[ad_1] Some members of the “Principles” fan group led by the arrested Veljko Belivuk named Velja Nevolja threaten the arrested members of the criminal group, their families, but also others who had something to do with Nevolja, not to say a word about their affairs and crimes to anyone. As …

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Glisic: It is clear that Vucic has the last word – Society

[ad_1] Ruling coalition claims Ivica Dačić will lead dialogue on electoral conditions “Based on the role of the Speaker of the Assembly, Ivica Dačić is responsible for leading the dialogue between the government and the opposition on the electoral conditions, just as Maja Gojković, the former Speaker of Parliament, was …

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How much is a word worth? Personal attitudes.

[ad_1] “Cooperation with the opposition that goes to the polls is not possible,” Dragan Djilas told Juzne Vesti a week before the elections. By: Branko KlanščekDecember 22, 2020 16.30 Clear and unambiguous. But that was before the elections! So how much is Dragan Djilas’ word worth? Six months, they say …

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Is the word of the President of Serbia worth anything? – Society

[ad_1] Aleksandar Vučić offered an apology for the insulting vocabulary used by his party’s deputies in the Serbian Parliament. Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić offered an apology for the insulting vocabulary used by his party’s deputies in the Serbian Assembly. By: Katarina ZivanovicDecember 5, 2020 1:00 p.m. Photo: FoNet / Instagram …

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