Tag Archives: women

Suleiman’s rib was broken and four women were injured

[ad_1] For a group of five tourists, including two German citizens, a day of excursions in the Sopotnicki waterfalls two days ago became a permanently ugly memory. They were beaten by two people from Prijepolje, who were identified by the police and are 22 and 24 years old. Four women …

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“YOU WILL DO WHAT I TELL YOU OR I WILL SEND IT TO YOUR HUSBAND” A maniac from Vranje blackmails women in this city, victims in the LIVE PROGRAM said that the agony lasts for months (PHOTO)

[ad_1] An unknown person from Vranje has been downloading photos of women from the internet and social media for the past few months, making fake profiles on adult sites, and then threatening to send photos from that account to their husbands. This agony, as the women of Vranje say, has …

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