Tag Archives: WEST

The bombing of Serbia was supposed to be in 1992. The only friend of the Serbs in the West prevented it: You will not kill them while I am alive! And soon he died …

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/DN DATE AND TIME: 21.09.2020. 22:00 – 21.09.2020. 22:07 Cyrillic, Photo: Screen Printing Guests of the Cyrillic show, leader Milomir Marićthey recalled during the conversation about NATO aggression pact on the FRY, while revealing little-known details about the West’s plans for the Serbs. The journalist and correspondent for …

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New foreign policy – Serbia closer to the West – Politics

[ad_1] How the public sees the government’s decision to cancel military activities with all partners for six months While part of the savvy public points out that the decision to stop military exercises with Belarus and harmonize with the West is a natural cooperation, to others this still seems like …

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TURN TO THE WEST AND TO THE MILITARY FIELD After meetings in Washington and Brussels, the Serbian Government canceled the military exercise with Belarus and Russia

[ad_1] By canceling its participation in military exercises with Belarus and Russia, Serbia also transferred its orientation to the West to the military field. Analysts recall that it is part of harmonizing foreign policy with the EU, which practically means getting closer to the West, but there are also those …

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