Tag Archives: wept

“IT TOOK EVERYTHING FROM US” Parents shocked by the verdict against a drunk driver for the murder of CHETOVO JOVENES in IBARSKA, wept in the courtroom: It ruined our lives!

[ad_1] Nikola Mihailović (28) was sentenced in the High Court of Belgrade to four years in prison and a driving ban for four years due to a traffic accident on the Ibar highway in August last year, in which four young people died. Katarina Ivanković (20), Aleksandar Savatić (22), Đordje …

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The unfortunate Branislav wept, begging his wife not to kill him.

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Kurir/IL DATE AND TIME: 08.09.2020. 16:10 Stanislava told police that she killed him because Branislav drugged her. Police investigation, Photo: Masanori Josida Neighbor of the couple Stanislava and Branislav M. de Zrenjanin, recounted the drama that preceded the murder in the Bagljaš settlement this morning. In the morning …

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“THE WOMEN’S CHILDREN SCREAMED, BUT NO ONE LISTENED TO THEM” The entire village wept over the tragedy in Leskovac, Miloš went to see her bloody grandmother after the murder and confessed everything to her.

[ad_1] Residents of the village of Granica in the municipality of Bojnik, with about 60 inhabitants, where Miloš Ilić (20) was born and often came, who killed four of the five members of his family at night between 9 and 10 December. May, they are in shock because nothing indicates …

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