Tag Archives: vaccines

The Montenegrin government has refused to donate 10,000 Chinese vaccines

[ad_1] The Montenegrin government rejected a donation of 10,000 vaccines from Chinese manufacturer Sinofarm, owner of Adriatic Properties and Universal Capital Bank Petros Statis, and the opposition called the government’s decision politically motivated. Vaccination against the coronavirus has not yet started in Montenegro. The government, as announced, rejected the Statis …

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Another 19,500 Pfizer vaccines arrive in Serbia today

[ad_1] Another 19,500 doses of vaccines from the manufacturer “Pfizer-Biontek” are expected to arrive in Serbia today, says the Secretary of State of the Ministry of Health, Mirsad Djerlek, adding that it is planned to vaccinate about 11,000 health workers and users of centers this week. gerontological. Djerlek told Tanjug …

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