Tag Archives: vaccine

“THE RISK IS GREATER THAN ASPIRIN THAN THE VACCINE”, revealed Dr. Babić, so that two categories of citizens can be given CLEAR WARNINGS which vaccine is the most suitable for them

[ad_1] Even bad vaccines can cause very little problems compared to other drugs. Aspirin is much more likely to cause side effects than any vaccine in use. If you look at the compensation paid in court, the most common significant side effect of the vaccine (several cases per million doses …

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NUMBERS DROP, CAUTION REMAINS: Today, the decision on the use of the Russian vaccine “Sputnik V”, epidemiologists warn again

[ad_1] As previously announced, health workers will be vaccinated first in intensive care units, followed by outpatient clinics at health centers and admission and triage centers, then kovid hospitals, laboratories where the disease is diagnosed. viruses, then intensive care units in non-covid parts, surgical rooms and employees in health centers. …

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Danica Grujicic revealed which vaccine she would receive

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Alo.rs/Kurir/M.Lj. DATE AND TIME: 02.01.2021. 10:17 When asked if the epidemic has begun to subside, the doctor says she believes it has and that vaccines give more hope. Photo: Printscreen The director of the Serbian Institute of Oncology and Radiology, Professor Danica Grujicic, says that it is very …

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