Tag Archives: ugly

Dino Radja couldn’t stand the UGLY COMMENT about Djolet Balasevic! “The Suebi did a lot more shit, so now we kiss their ass when they come. How long do you advise us to hate each other? Well, I’m asking you for advice …”

[ad_1] Many sad people were seen in Novi Sad last weekend at George Balasevic’s farewell to eternal rest. The famous singer-songwriter passed away during the previous week, leaving behind numerous songs that will be heard for years and decades. Many athletes also cried, and the legendary Croatian basketball player Dino …

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You can’t do ugly things to people! (PHOTO)

[ad_1] Veljko Raznatovic, son of Ceca Raznatovic, took to his Instagram profile and publicly sent a strong message. That is, he shared a quote that said in English: “You can’t do ugly things to people and expect to live a beautiful life,” the ad read. photo: Print screen Anastasia congratulated …

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