Tag Archives: tricolor

He wears the colors of the Russian tricolor, he will be able to stay in the air until 7 o’clock, and for this the VIDEO will be used.

[ad_1] The new technology will allow the integration of a hybrid engine, an electromechanical transmission system, an advanced aircraft piloting system and a combined control, which in fact will represent a synergy between the pilot and the artificial intelligence system. “Such systems are supposed to provide a much more efficient …

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HERO WILL BE ALLOWED FOR ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son delivered a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) – Vecernje Novosti

[ad_1] HERO WILL BE ALLOWED ETERNAL REST AWAY: Major Krsnik’s son received a tricolor, a large number of citizens accompanied the pilot (PHOTO / VIDEO) Vecernje Novosti FUNERAL OF THE ELDERLY DEJAN KRSNIK: inconsolable wife and son, friends and colleagues of the Serbian army send him to the Kurir PILOT …

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