Tag Archives: Trajković

Gianni and Sladja opened the doors of a luxury home for Pink.rs! The Trajković are celebrating a silver wedding in 2021, and they are also preparing a GALA party! One thing still does not give peace to the singer’s wife, and it concerns her illegitimate son and grandson! (PHOTO)

[ad_1] They want to leave everything ugly that happened to them in 2020, and in 2021 they will celebrate 25 years of marriage and celebrate the wedding of their first-born and the birth and baptism of their grandchildren. Famous popular singer Radiša Trajković Đani and his wife Sladjana Trajkovic opened …

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Rada Trajković from Djilas stated: Shaip Kamberi is our new leader!

[ad_1] AUTHOR: Hello!; DATE AND TIME: 28.10.2020. 17:51 Rada Trajković, a Kosovo politician who has repeatedly shown loyalty to the self-proclaimed Albanian government in Priština, today declared Shaip Kamberi the new leader of the opposition in Serbia. Rada Trajković, Photo: Printscreen United Valley – SDA MP Sandzak Shaip Kamberi did …

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