Tag Archives: training

Napredniks are silent on Beba Popović’s training – Politics

[ad_1] How the Public Policy Institute trained the young staff of the SNS inaccessible to the public During 2019, the Vladimir Bebe Popović Public Policy Institute professionally trained members of the Serbian Progressive Party, showed the report of the State Audit Institution, which was published on Friday and reported by …

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“We don’t know what happened in that training …”

[ad_1] After all, I’m interested in where Miketic has been all these years, what he did and who hid him – said Zmajko Cvetkovic, brother of Vlado Cvetkovic (20), a kickboxer who was killed on November 3, 1997 and whose murderer was arrested! yesterday, after 23 years on the run! …

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